Xero Health Check

Operate At Your Best
Our Xero health check is a detailed review of your existing Xero file by an expert Xero certified accountant. We carry out a comprehensive check to ensure that your setup is done correctly, and is taking full advantage of the functionality of Xero including all automation.
Areas Include
Accounts such as payroll, superannuation, GST, PAYG payable
Asset register
Invoice settings and reminders
Initial setup
Conversion balance
Chart of accounts and tax codes
Bank accounts balance
Bank rules and automation
App integration
Implications of These Issues
Your bank balance shown in Xero does not agree with actual bank statements
You may be paying your liabilities incorrectly, such as incorrect amount of tax/GST
Your BAS / Tax return is incorrect
Your business decisions may be based on incorrect reports/figures
You may not be compliant with ATO regulations, risking potential fines
We will give you a report where we list all our findings and any errors. We can then provide you with a recommendation to ensure accuracy of your data, and help you to work in the most efficient way with Xero.